- 1Click the “More” Button (bottom menu) and then the “Add | Edit Guest Guidebook Essentials” Button.
- 2Click any subject on “Top Bar” to View.
- 3Click Edit and simply customize the “USVI-ready” language included or change completely to meet your needs!
- 1Click the “More” Button (bottom menu) and then the “Add | Edit Host Tips and Pics” Button.
- 2Click “Add a Tip or Host Favorite Pick” Button and fill out the form! Takes minimal time and elevates guest experiences!
- 3To edit or delete a Tip or Pick, simply click the “Edit” or “Delete” button on specific item.
- 1View Today’s guests – including those arriving, those departing and those in-house.
- 2View complete reservation details, call or send messages to guests with one click.
- 3Click Reservation Logs, Financial Summaries, Reports and More or Reservation Manager for even more detail – all in real-time.
- 1Select a guest or, if it is a new guest, simply click the “Add New Guest Account” Button on bottom.
- 2Enter reservation details, including notes, financial information and more.
- 3All details will then show up real-time on your dashboard as well as in your guest’s mybnb.app account.
- !Note that all guest details and reservations are added (and updated) automatically with mybnbPRO
- 1Click “Send New Message” button, choose the guest, type your message and click send!
- 2Your guest will receive it instantaneously in their account (and they also will receive an email copy – automatically).
- 3To respond to a message, simply click “Reply” or, to add to an existing message, simply click “Append”.
- !Available with mybnbPRO!
- 1You can always view what guest see by clicking the “More” button and then the “Guest View” button.
- 2You’ll be able to view your private Guest Guidebook as well as Local Deals, your Tips and Pics and much more!
- 3You’ll also have ability to explore and rate local attractions, restaurants and more just like your guests!
- 1Click the “More” button then the “Invite Guests” button.
- 2Add basic details along with a private, custom note to the guest, if desired.
- 3Your guest will receive an email with all details and the information needed to create their own account in less than a minute!
- 1Click the “More” Button (bottom menu) and then the “Add | Edit Guest Guidebook Essentials” Button.
- 2Click any subject on “Top Bar” to View.
- 3Click Edit and simply customize the “USVI-ready” language included or change completely to meet your needs!
- 1Click the “More” Button (bottom menu) and then the “Add | Edit Host Tips and Pics” Button.
- 2Click “Add a Tip or Host Favorite Pick” Button and fill out the form! Takes minimal time and elevates guest experiences!
- 3To edit or delete a Tip or Pick, simply click the “Edit” or “Delete” button on specific item.
- 1View Today’s guests – including those arriving, those departing and those in-house.
- 2View complete reservation details, call or send messages to guests with one click.
- 3Click Reservation Logs, Financial Summaries, Reports and More or Reservation Manager for even more detail – all in real-time.
- 1Select a guest or, if it is a new guest, simply click the “Add New Guest Account” Button on bottom.
- 2Enter reservation details, including notes, financial information and more.
- 3All details will then show up real-time on your dashboard as well as in your guest’s mybnb.app account.
- !Note that all guest details and reservations are added (and updated) automatically with mybnbPRO
- 1Click “Send New Message” button, choose the guest, type your message and click send!
- 2Your guest will receive it instantaneously in their account (and they also will receive an email copy – automatically).
- 3To respond to a message, simply click “Reply” or, to add to an existing message, simply click “Append”.
- !Available with mybnbPRO!
- 1You can always view what guest see by clicking the “More” button and then the “Guest View” button.
- 2You’ll be able to view your private Guest Guidebook as well as Local Deals, your Tips and Pics and much more!
- 3You’ll also have ability to explore and rate local attractions, restaurants and more just like your guests!
- 1Click the “More” button then the “Invite Guests” button.
- 2Add basic details along with a private, custom note to the guest, if desired.
- 3Your guest will receive an email with all details and the information needed to create their own account in less than a minute!